milestone meaning

Define milestone. milestone synonyms, milestone pronunciation, milestone translation, English dictionary definition of milestone. n. 1. A stone marker set up on a ...

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To that end, Zoom Player employs a slick and simple user interface, combined with easy to access features while at the same time providing advanced control dialogs over every feature imaginable. Z...

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  • Define milestone (noun) and get synonyms. What is milestone (noun)? milestone (noun) meani...
    milestone (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan ...
  • Define milestone. milestone synonyms, milestone pronunciation, milestone translation, Engl...
    Milestone - definition of milestone by The Free Dictionary
  • Define milestone. milestone synonyms, milestone pronunciation, milestone translation, Engl...
    Milestone - definition of milestone by The Free Dictionary ...
  • A milestone is a significant event in your life. Often a milestone marks the start of a ne...
    milestone - Dictionary Definition :
  • A milestone is one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road or boundary at inte...
    Milestone - Wikipedia
  • Milestone definition: A milestone is an important event in the history or development of s...
    Milestone definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
  • Your twenty-first birthday is a milestone in your life. Licensed from iStockPhoto. noun. T...
    Milestone dictionary definition | milestone defined - YourDictionary
  • milestone meaning, definition, what is milestone: a stone or post at the side of the road ...
    milestone Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
  • milestone meaning, definition, what is milestone: an important event in the history or dev...
    milestone Meaning in the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary
  • In fact, with my most recent birthday, I passed the milestone of having come out of the cl...
    Milestone | Define Milestone at
  • Define milestone: a stone serving as a milepost; a significant point in development — mile...
    Milestone | Definition of Milestone by Merriam-Webster
  • Define milestone: a stone serving as a milepost; a significant point in development — mile...
    Milestone | Definition of Milestone by Merriam-Webster ...
  • milestone meaning, definition, what is milestone: a very important event in the developmen...
    milestone | meaning of milestone in Longman Dictionary of ...
  • It was a very hot day, and the road was terribly dusty, and before Hans had reached the si...
    Milestones - definition of Milestones by The Free Dictionary ...
  • milestone的意思、解釋及翻譯:a stone or post at the side of the road that shows the distance to vari...
    milestone在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary
  • Definition of milestone in the Dictionary. Meaning of milestone. What doe...
    What does milestone mean? definition, meaning and pronunciat ...
  • Definition of milestone: General: Sub-objectives or stages into which a program or project...
    What is milestone? definition and meaning - BusinessDictiona ...
  • Definition of milestone: General: Sub-objectives or stages into which a program or project...
    What is milestone? definition and meaning -